The ToothFairy2 Dataset is divided into a training and a test set.
The training set, ToothFairy2 Dataset, is publicly available under a CC BY-SA license here. Please note that a sign-up will be required to download it. Any publication using our data must explicitly reference this challenge and cite [1, 2, 3].
The test set will not be publicly released and will remain private even after the end of the challenge.
Both training and test data have a voxel spacing of 0.3mm isotropic.
[1] Bolelli, F., Lumetti, L., Vinayahalingam, S., Di Bartolomeo, M., Pellacani, A., Marchesini, K., ... & Grana, C. (2024). Segmenting the Inferior Alveolar Canal in CBCTs Volumes: the ToothFairy Challenge. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
[2] Lumetti, L., Pipoli, V., Bolelli, F., Ficarra, E., & Grana, C. (2024). Enhancing Patch-Based Learning for the Segmentation of the Mandibular Canal. IEEE Access.
[3] Cipriano, M., Allegretti, S., Bolelli, F., Pollastri, F., Grana, C.: Improving Segmentation of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve through Deep Label Propagation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR). pp. 21137–21146. IEEE (Jun 2022).